Dec 2, 2010

@TachoBlog #VFTC Pics on this blog post...

As I was headed South yesterday (Yes, in the near freezing rain)  (11-30-10) on I-71 near Jeffersonville, Oh, I noticed this truck with some FUD on it. I really think something gets lost in the Translation. FUD is short for Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, and I don't want any of that when it comes to a hot-dog.

FWIW: I found John's Blog and he has a better explanation about the FUD truck, and BIMBO too. Funny Mexican Brand Names that just don't make it past the universal translation barrier. 

And here's another shot, in about the same area on I-71, but a day later.  It's trying to get Frosty on My Fenders. But it didn't happen. 

Also on I-71, but I think I took this on Monday. I The Trucks Logo just make me think that he had a whole lot of BlueTooth to go around. I'm thinking he's hording it. (Real BlueTooth Logo Here)



Posted via email from randy's posterous snoıɹǝʇsod s,ʎpuɐɹ

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