Feb 27, 2010

Replies to: #RSSTQ No.6 If you had to choose between Cable or Internet, Which would you choose?

TheNose100#RSSTQ No.6 If you had to choose between Cable or Internet, Which would you choose?
The original post w/ comments is here: http://post.ly/OtE1

I'd have to go with Internet, as that is what I've done. I think though, that I'm going to get Netflix also.

http://identi.ca/jordonr" style="color: rgb(38, 148, 232); text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">jordonr: @http://identi.ca/thenose100" style="color: rgb(38, 148, 232); text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">thenose100 internet. I haven't paid for a cable bill in a long while.

Claudio replied, and said internet also. But I don't recall where. Facebook, I think..

From the Posterous Post: 

Recent comments

Vaughn Sanders said...
I'd choose Internet. I can get most of the television I watch on the Internet now
tcolar said...
Internet for sure.

Note:                -

Well, I didn't @ many people with this question, And didn't get many responses. I'm still trying to figure out, if I should @ people, or if they'll pick up on the #RSSTQ each week or what.  - Posterous seems like a find site, but it's really simple, and it is lacking some of the features that other blogs have. Anyway, I was way burnt out last night, and hadn't been keeping up with my replies, I normally put my @ replies into a email draft in gmail as I receive them. - I enjoy doing a weekly blog post w/ a question. I enjoy this format. - I could post a question via the BBry [BlackBerry Phone] if I happened to be working the weekend, and sitting at a customers or shippers location.

Posted via email from Randy's Posterous

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