Jan 26, 2011

Daily Random Shot 026 and VFTC

I'm going to try and post a daily random shot from the road, or from around my town. As I'm not always in my truck.  And there are other pictures from my local area that you might like to see. This is the first. :)  This picture will also be shared or on @TachoBlog's VFTC or weekly Views From The Cab. The Cabs are the Cab's of trucks from around the world. He compiles a weekly summary of the views usually on Fridays.

Randy's photos - #vftc @Tachoblog I wonder if he got stopped 'cuz he was lumbering along? I-77 X101 Canton, OH | Plixi

This little tidbit led to more punning on twitter... from

@Heydriver to: @TheNose100 @Tachoblog Maybe he stopped him because of what he saw? ahem....sorry....lol

Led to: 
@Tachoblog to: @Heydriver @TheNose100 Woodn't you know it! I thought it was planely obvious! I Think I'll leaf now :-)


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