Mar 7, 2010

XSANE image Scanning. \ Broadcom and Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix

I figured out a couple things today.

First and simplest thing that I found out was, to use the Xsane image scanning utility, I was sorta loosing my mind as to why it didn't want update the file names. from out.pnm to out1.pmn  The default setting is set to home/out.png or home/out.pnm  something like that. Well, it will keep on using the name out.pnm so you have to go and change it, not a horrible issue, but an annoying one none the less. Well, Viola! if you make sure that there are a couple of 00 digits there for it to work with, it will add to them, so if you have it set to the default of 3, I think it is, you need to name the first file's filename to out000.png or out000.pnm. Anded some 00's and it worked like I wanted it to.  :) 

Second, and a little more frustrating was with Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 and my HP Mini note Netbook. It has a Broadcom WiFi Chip, and the HP doesn't have a Network Adapter. USB or Wifi are the only access ports on the machine. Granted USB can do get ya more, such as hooking up a USB WiFi adapter, as I did, and making the Chipset Active, but then it dropped it, or wouldn't keep it set, as it HAD a live wifi connection. I had gotten it up and running with a USB network cable with my old router that had a USB connection to the network. That worked well. - But this time, I lacked that option. So. I figured, why not just fiddle around with things and see what happens. So, I grabbed the 4gig SD card out that was setup with everything as I wanted, but lacked the drive space, and grabbed the 8gig SD card and connected both to my "real" laptop (running an instance of Karmic, BTW) and deleted everything on the 8gig card with GParted, then "Cut" + "Pasted" the partition to the freshly empty drive. - And it worked. :)

Ok, Back to scanning some old pics of life back in the Air Force for my USAF Facebook buds... 

Posted via email from Randy's Posterous

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